
Panels operate for 25 years with very low maintenance requirements

Compare the cost of maintaining the traditional heating system versus the cost of solar pool heating systems. Corrosion is not a big concern because the water is heated by heat exchange in dark colored pipes, not by passing though heated elements. Solar heating systems work with saltwater, chlorine treated and even UV-treated pools.

12-year manufacturer warranty on equipment

That’s 12 years of headache free challenges from your solar pool heating system. It’s nearly impossible to get it wrong.

Hydraulically engineered for optimum performance

Energx solar pool heating systems are engineered for optimum performance. Unlike other systems, each panel contributes equally to heating the pool water making for a much more efficient system. This means that fewer panels may be needed to achieve similar results.

Reduce your carbon footprint and reduce energy costs

Solar pool heating systems can save 15-25 tons of carbon dioxide output per system annually, while reducing your energy costs.